Best Buy - Retail Stores

Customer Service Specialist

January 2018 • Fort Worth, TX

What I liked

I love the team and the amount of benefits I can receive

What I wish was different

The job is difficult because of the customer and the nature of the work


You have to know how to stick to your answers and hold your ground.
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sales consultant

May 2016 • East Brunswick, NJ

What I liked

The fact that I get to nerd out with as well as teach clients about technology. The discount for someone who loves technology is a doubled-edged sword in which its great for fufilling your desire to have more technology but not for your wallet.

What I wish was different

There definitely needs to be a bigger push in making it easier for college students to balance their time working there while in school. A flexible schedule provided by Best Buy while nice it is not perfect considering that closing times and part time hour requirments can come in conflict with class scheduling.


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Merchendising Specialist

June 2017 - July 2018 • Boise, ID

What I liked

Great community within the workplace.

What I wish was different

Management wasn't the best.


It is important to be friendly in the workplace early on as these relationships can last for a long time.
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Customer Service Representative

March 2018 • Countryside, IL

What I liked

I worked as the customer service representative for the major appliance department, I loved my small team. We worked really well together and they always had my back.

What I wish was different

Communication between managers and employees was poor.


The best way to develop communication and people skills is customer service.
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Customer Service Representative

September 2016 • Westbury, NY

What I liked

Work hour flexibility

What I wish was different



Patience is important and you must always be willing to listen to people so that you can always provide the best solution possible
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Demand Planning and Forecasting Intern

May - August 2018 • Minneapolis, MN

What I liked

Intern group

What I wish was different



Network with other interns
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Camp Counselor

July 2018 • Mount Vernon, NY

What I liked

Communication expirence Learning technology

What I wish was different



Take it serious
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Customer Service Representative

October 2016 • Orlando, FL

What I liked

I love the fact that this job is so flexible. I can pick up hours and switch shifts whenever I like !

What I wish was different

I wish that I had transferred to this sotre earlier!


Although it may be nerve-wrecking, always be willing to put your beat foot forward! I got this job because of an amazing phone interview, and they don't usually hire individuals over the phone. Just be yourself! You never know who will appreciate it!
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Invintory specialist

March 2018 • Logan, UT

What I liked

Best Buy actively stabds by a mission of the highest performance for its customenrs.

What I wish was different

If you have a busy schedule, it can be diffixult to work scheduling.


Enjoy work! Managment knows and agnowledges when you go above and beyond. They treat you really well!
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May 2018 • Logan, UT

What I liked

Working with wlectronics

What I wish was different



Work at Best Buy
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Asset protection

July 2018 • Worcester, MA

What I liked

People at the job

What I wish was different

More work to do, tends to be very boring and monotonous


Don’t be afraid to ask questions
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Consultation agent

October 2017 • Logan, UT

What I liked

Hours and pay

What I wish was different

People I worked with


It’s a great college job
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Sales consultant

July 2018 • Highland, IN

What I liked

Loved the one on one customer interaction

What I wish was different

Not much


Great for people who love to communicate
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sales associate

August 2017 • Gresham, OR

What I liked

I really like the environment of Best Buy. It's very employee-centric, meaning that management put s a lot if time into creating a place where you can succeed at your job.

What I wish was different


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Customer service specialest

April 2018 • Salinas, CA

What I liked

everything, everyone made it so easy

What I wish was different



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Customer service specialist

August 2017 • Lincoln, NE

What I liked

Learning how to do something new every day- facing new challenges kept me on my toes so I was never doing the exact same thing.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have had more experience on the salesfloor- unfortunately there weren't any positions open when I initially applied.


I would advise anyone in a field of customer service to not take customer frustrations to heart- we all get flustered as consumers, and that's easy to forget. Keeping your cool and being able to laugh things off is crucial.
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Geek Squad Consultation Agent

April 2018 • Strongsville, OH

What I liked

I loved being able to work with people and using my communication skills to help others understand technology

What I wish was different

I wish my coworkers were more accepting of different types of people


Never settle for a meaningless job. Always strive to be in a position where you are capable of helping others.
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Sales consultant

March 2017 - September 2018 • Geneva, IL

What I liked

Great way to learn about technology in the market, as well as basic customer service skills.

What I wish was different

The work atmosphere was supposed to be centered around helping the customer, but I regularly felt the management would forget this service oriented goal and rail on employees to increase sales numbers.


Remember why you do any job. You are providing a service or good to a customer to better their lives. While profits are important, if you remember why you are doing something and who you are helping then it will lead to those improved sales, but will not work vice versa.
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Project Team Specialist

July 2018 • Maplewood, MN

What I liked

My team, it was always a fun night each night, traveling from store to store and getting remodeling done.

What I wish was different

I wish that it could have lasted longer.


Haven fun with your job and gain as much experience as you can and if you feel that it's time to move on, then do so.
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Magnolia Home Theater Sales

September 2016 • Midlothian, VA

What I liked

Good Exposure

What I wish was different

Better opportunity for growth


Do your e learnings
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