Young Life

Young Life Summer Intern

May 2021 - August 2022 • Santa Cruz, CA

What I liked

I liked the community and the personal engagement. It made use of my work and volunteer experience and furthered my experience in my current job serving on Young Life Staff.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been more open to change in myself, but I think that it was still okay that notwithstanding.


Get off your phone whenever you can.
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Summer Staff

July - August 2019 • Challenge, CA

What I liked

I liked that I was able to serve others in such an organized way that helped me grow as well.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have been there longer.


If you have the opportunity to volunteer while you’re a student, do it. There’s not many opportunities like this in the real world.
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Summer Intern

June - July 2020 • Fishers, IN

What I liked

I helped create a plan for the upcoming semester in order to improve internal leadership.

What I wish was different

Many of the events we planned had to be cancelled due to Covid. I wish those events could have happened.


Your boss wants your input too. Don’t be afraid to share that.
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Young Life Leader

January 2018 • Madison, WV

What I liked

Becoming a Young Life leader in a rural, primarily poverty stricken area has been an amazing experience. I was able to volunteer and become friends with so many people my age, as well as meeting and mentoring high school students. I met with students individually a couple times a week, held monthly "clubs," and spent a week at the most beautiful summer camp.

What I wish was different

I have no complaints.


Communication is key. High school kids followed our social media page to learn about the time and location of our events/hangouts, but a personal invitation goes a long way.
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Summer Staff

July - August 2019 • Brevard, NC

What I liked

Got to work with people from all over the country, became accustomed to waking up early.

What I wish was different

Some people on staff were rude.


Rest is super important, get it when you can.
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Horse Wrangler

May - June 2019 • Williams, AZ

What I liked

Got to see and experience a whole different side of the country and a beautiful state. Grew in my faith and fulfillment serving others and growing in community. Got to go out of my comfort zone and do something I never imagined myself ever doing.

What I wish was different

I wish I had formed stronger and deeper relationships with more of the people I worked with and that I could have been there longer.


Don't be afraid of stepping out of you're comfort zone and trying something you have never done before. I had barely never rode a horse before I went, and then I had to teach people how too. It was crazy but absolutely so worth it and something I will never forget.
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Summer staff

May - June 2019 • Buena Vista, CO

What I liked

The people and the place and the mission

What I wish was different



It's all awesome, would 100% recommend
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Landscape Design Intern

May - August 2019 • Goshen, VA

What I liked

Everything about the experience. The staff are some of the most understanding people that I have ever worked for and I would go back in a heartbeat. The work was hard, but the people I worked with made it easier to keep working and not get burnt out.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have done the internship for a year rather than just the summer. They do offer yearly internship positions which I am actively applying for.


When conflict arises, make sure to address it immediately in a respectful and thought out way, because if there is conflict and you let it fester it can really take away from everything that you are doing.
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Summer Staff Volunteeer

May - August 2019 • Saranac Lake, NY

What I liked

I lived in an incredible community of believers and got to serve high school kids every day. I was able to make great relationships, grow in my faith, and witness kids give their life to Christ each week.

What I wish was different

I wish it lasted longer


Be true to who you are and be comfortable knowing that the people around you are going to love you for exactly that.
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Retail Intern

June - August 2019 • Goshen, VA

What I liked

Being able to be in a managerial position and all the learning and leadership opportunities it provided me.

What I wish was different

I'm honestly not sure, it was a really great summer.


Don't be afraid to jump out of your comfort zone.
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Backpacking Guide

May - August 2019 • Creede, CO

What I liked

Growing more in my relationship with God.

What I wish was different

It would be nice to be paid, but I would still do it again if I wasn’t paid.


Don’t be afraid to ever stop learning.
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volunteer cook

July - August 2019 • Goshen, VA

What I liked

I loved cooking food in the kitchen for over 600 high school students and seeing their faces when they enjoyed the food

What I wish was different


It was a lot of long hours in a hot kitchen for a month straight
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