office attendent

March - August 2019 • Southgate, MI

What I liked

The location and the people

What I wish was different

Communication between costumer and employees.


It was great for people skills and problem solving.
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May - July 2019 • Macedonia, OH

What I liked

The kids are awesome!!

What I wish was different


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Kindergarten Program Teacher

June - August 2018 • New Hope, MN

What I liked

I liked the experience I got with the kids -- I'm thinking about doing pediatrics as a nurse, so this was really good experience with different age groups, dealing with different families and family situations, and handling conflict (interpersonal communication). It also taught me a lot about myself and about the cognitive development of children.

What I wish was different

I wish I had gotten paid more to be honest :) Child care is always underpaid -- much more work than the paycheck plays out to be. Also, I wish that I had had a more stable co-worker and supervisor situation. There was just a lot of drama between different people that didn't need to happen.


I think that it would be super helpful for anyone thinking of doing something in relation to kids. You absolutely fall in love with each on of them (even the naughtiest ones). It also is such a good platform and opportunity for sharing Jesus' love with others and just being a selfless, caring, and loving witness of Christ.
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Pool Lifeguard

May 2016 - August 2018 • Odessa, TX

What I liked

It was easy and fun

What I wish was different


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Summer Counselor

May 2018 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

My boss and the atmosphere

What I wish was different

More communication between staff


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YMCA Summer Camp Lead

May - August 2016 • Mankato, MN

What I liked

This was the third year I worked at the YMCA Summer Camps. I love getting to be myself, have a ton of fun, help kids learn and grow, and truly make a difference in the world through kids.

What I wish was different

I wish There had been better organization at the very top. I felt my coworkers and I had to make up for this lack of organization ourselves because it wasn't being done at the top.


Never under estimate the power of camp, and interacting and being a role model for kids. You can make a huge impact on them, but you can also learn a lot about yourself through them.
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Childcare Aide

June 2017 • Abington Township, PA

What I liked

What I wish was different


You have to have patience with all the different types of kids that come through the YMCA. You have to be willing to listen and work with the kids to make it the best experience possible for everyone.
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Camp Counselor

May - August 2018 • Hatboro, PA

What I liked

Working with children

What I wish was different

I would have liked to work with different age groups rather than one specific age group


Patience is needed
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Summer camp counselor

May 2018 • Macedonia, OH

What I liked

Working with kids

What I wish was different



You must be patient and love working with kids.
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Camp counselor

May - August 2018 • Spokane, WA

What I liked

Working with kida

What I wish was different

Bad houra


Camp counselor is a rewarding job
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