I learned an incredible amount about credit analysis while getting to test the products every two weeks.
What I wish was different
I wish that I had gotten to see other financial sectors of the business.
Make sure that you apply early and try to learn as many things as you possibly can.
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May 2021 • Kennesaw, GA
What I liked
The people were super nice and welcoming. I learned a ton of applicable skills. Yamaha is a fun and exciting working environment.
What I wish was different
Not much.
Give it 100%, and show up every day ready to learn, and don't be scared to ask questions.
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Finance intern
May - August 2019 • Marietta, GA
What I liked
Great atmosphere and working in the financial services devision was very eye opening as they are technically a new company within Yamaha Motor Corporation
What I wish was different
More structured tasks under my manager
Yamaha gave me the opportunities to try and do things I would have never had the opportunity to do somewhere else
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May - August 2019 • Newnan, GA
What I liked
I gained valuable experience in an industrial environment.
What I wish was different
My advice to anyone about this experience is you SHOULD do either an internship or a Co-Op. My time at Yamaha has taught me so much about the difference between working a problem in the classroom and working one in the real world. For this reason employers look for the type of experience that an internship or Co-Op provides.
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Business Process Consultant
May - August 2019 • Kennesaw, GA
What I liked
The product days, hands on technical and business experience, management is hands off and you have a LOT of freedom, great people who want you to succeed
What I wish was different
No complaints
Show up early and be willing to find what needs to be done. There is a lot of freedom, but that comes with a lot of responsibility. You have to CARE about what success will mean in your position.
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Engineer Intern
May - August 2019 • Kennesaw, GA
What I liked
Yamaha is overall an awesome company to work for. There are plenty of job opportunities whether that be in Marine, Motorsports, or Finance. The internship program was a great way to explore the careers within the company and learn about their products. Besides your daily work, there was other projects given to the interns from HR such as a 3 month long group project that is presented in front of Yamaha executives. As an Engineer intern I was able to work with professional Engineers and was guided by an Engineering manager. The team provided me with real projects and gave me plenty of freedom to ask questions, learn new things, and work on some pretty cool projects.
What I wish was different
I wish that there was shadow hours in which I could watch the Engineers work on CAD models and see how they apply their engineering skills to certain projects.
If I could give advice to the future interns of this company it would be that your experience is going to be what you put into it. Make sure to attend every opportunity that the HR team gives to you and take advantage of the time they allow you with the VP's of the company. Meet new people and ask about their job. Don't be afraid to ask questions and don't hesitate to ask for more work if you can handle it.
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Mechanical Engineering Intern
May - August 2019 • Kennesaw, GA
What I liked
The products the company makes, the employees, the experience.
What I wish was different
Ask questions, meet frequently with your manager to seek advice and guidance.
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Technical Writer Intern
May - August 2019 • Kennesaw, GA
What I liked
This was the best experience of my life. I learned so much about the field I am entering and had a great amount of relevant work experience.
What I wish was different
I wish it never ended!
Never underestimate your potential. Out of 550 applicants, only 16 made the cut one of which I never thought would be me. The key to making it was simply being myself in the interviews and showing interest in their product and company.
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Retail Finance Marketing Intern
June - September 2018 • Cypress, CA
What I liked
I loved meeting executives during fire side chats and listening to their advice. They gave lots of tips for the interns to become successful in the future. I also loved having product days where we got to test drive Yamaha's products.
What I wish was different
I wished I was able to learn more about CRM. The two people on my team were on maternity leave, so I didn't get the optimal experience of learning more about marketing.
Don't worry about bothering people to ask questions. You are there for a short time, so make good use of your time.