Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - DNR

About Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - DNR

Apply for Wisconsin DNR jobs in Wisc.Jobs

In keeping with our mission, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is dedicated to working with the citizens and businesses of Wisconsin while preserving and enhancing the natural resources of Wisconsin. In partnership with individuals and organizations, DNR staff manage fish, wildlife, forests, parks, air and water resources while promoting a healthy, sustainable environment and a full range of outdoor opportunities. The DNR is an inclusive, diverse agency that prides itself on commitment to sustainability and giving back to the community by participating in fund raisers for charities. Come join the Department of Natural Resources where you can contribute to rewarding and meaningful work!

Our Mission:
To protect and enhance our natural resources: our air, land and water; our wildlife, fish and forests and the ecosystems that sustain all life.
To provide a healthy, sustainable environment and a full range of outdoor opportunities.
To ensure the right of all people, to use and enjoy these resources in their work and leisure.
To work with people, to understand each other's views and to carry out the public will.
And in this partnership, consider the future and generations to follow.


wildlife and forestry

May 2019 - August 2019 Friendship, WI
“Liked the restoration work and the supervisors.”


September 2018 Bancroft, WI
“I love volunteering for the WDNR at Buena Vista Wildlife Area. There are many opportunities to gain experiences with a wide variety of management techniques.”
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Questions & Answers

What should someone know going into an interview for a fisheries technician role at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources?

Interview +3

What duties would I have if I accept an offer for a fisheries technician position at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources?

Day in the Life +3

Is it possible for a conservation and environmental science major to be helpful for someone heading into a fisheries technician job at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources?

College Major +5
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