
University of Tennessee-Knoxville

Research Assistant

March 2022 • Knoxville, TN

What I liked

Flexible schedule and laid-back work environment that promoted growth and educational experience.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time to work and a more diversified experience in the lab.


As long as you apply yourself and put yourself out there, opportunities will present themselves.
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Mechanical Engineering Research Intern

May - August 2021 • Knoxville, TN

What I liked

I loved that this was a paid research opportunity including free housing. I appreciated being placed with talented mentors who could provide valuable insight into my research, and the opportunity to do research outside of my discipline.

What I wish was different

Since it was the first year of this program, it was fairly unorganized at first, and difficult to know how to contact the appropriate Program Lead for event questions.


It can be a scary experience to do something outside your comfort zone, but it can be such a valuable experience, academically, professionally, and personally.
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Research intern

June - August 2020 • Knoxville, TN

What I liked

Gave me the opportunity to design and execute my own research project.

What I wish was different


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Research assistant

May 2019 • Knoxville, TN

What I liked

What I wish was different

Nothing. It has been a great experience.


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Sports Medicine Student Assistant

January 2019 • Knoxville, TN

What I liked

Learning from athletic trainers, physicians, and chiropractors.

What I wish was different

More surgery shadowing opportunities.


Be prepared for a good amount of hours.
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Wildlife Research Technician

May - September 2019 • Knoxville, TN

What I liked

Getting to conduct research on something that really interested me.

What I wish was different

A higher wage would’ve been better.


Although it was a lot of fun, it was also a lot of hard work. You have to be willing to put in extra hours without pay.
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Student Assistant

June - August 2019 • Knoxville, TN

What I liked

I got to do research

What I wish was different



Ask other lab members questions!
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

June - August 2018 • Knoxville, TN

What I liked

Knoxville is a beautiful city, green and vibrant. I worked at the Joint Institute for Advanced Materials(JIAM) which a brand new building built right next to the Tennessee river. The building was very impressive and had lots of resources.

What I wish was different

I wish I had a chance to interact more with the different undergraduate researchers in different fields. I would have liked to connect to more people. Transportation was also difficult without a car due to the high temperatures and humidity, or due to sporadic rain storms.


I thought I would be fine just focusing on my work, but the isolation definitely had an effect on me. You will feel lonely if it's your first time traveling away, so take advantage of all opportunists and try your best to reach out.
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Research Assistant

June - August 2018 • Knoxville, TN

What I liked

I enjoyed being able to see what it was like to be in graduate school. I also learned and mastered new and old lab techniques that I can use during th academic year and in the future as well.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been paid.


Never be afraid to ask questions and be curious. An undergraduate student should not know all the answers to graduate school at all.
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Research Assitant

July - August 2018 • Knoxville, TN

What I liked

Understand better now to write research papers.

What I wish was different

More involvement collecting data.


Constantly looking for related research to learn more.
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