Teknor Apex Company

Mechanical Engineering Intern

June - August 2019 • Jacksonville, TX

What I liked

It's a small company and this was the first time offering an internship for this facility. It was slow paced and a great introduction into working for a company. It was very self-taught and self-driven, as long as you communicate well with your boss. In my case, Daron Fraim.

What I wish was different

As it was a small company, the work was often self-driven, but on a rather small scale. There was not a whole lot of opportunity for working on larger projects. Additionally, the position entailed more process management engineering rather than design or mechanical.


My advice from this internship experience is to not be choosy when it comes to internships. If you can get an internship that you really want, go for it! However, make sure you are sending out your resume to more than just one company. Any internship you get will provide experience and look great on your resume. Don't be afraid to send out your resume to a wide variety of companies. Even if it may not seem the most interesting, give it a try. Lastly, do not forget that above all things, trust that God knows where you need to be and will help you get there.
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TPE Division Intern

April - August 2019 • Pawtucket, RI

What I liked

Really nice employees at Teknor apex and my project was relevant to the school work I’m doing this year.

What I wish was different

I would’ve liked doing research more


Say yes to every opportunity you are given during your job. I ended up meeting a lot of people and expanding my professional network
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