Stevens Construction Corp.

Construction Project Manager Intern

May - August 2022 • Madison, WI

What I liked

Throughout my summer internship, I was given many opportunities to learn various aspects of the construction industry and the project management role. I had hands-on experience in the field with the concrete and framing crews, which allowed me to learn directly from the men and women who do this work daily. I worked on one job site during the summer, and the superintendent and project manager both played vital roles in expanding my knowledge of construction management. Overall, what I enjoyed most about the internship was how many different things I learned in 3 short months.

What I wish was different

I do not wish anything would have been different during this internship, I had such a positive experience and I was treated with respect and welcomed by all Stevens Construction employees.


My piece of advice to anyone would be, do not be afraid to try something you have never done before, you may end up being good at it. To any college engineering students or project management students, I encourage you to try an internship with Stevens Construction, because you can have the opportunity to learn knowledge that is not taught in the classroom. Not only did my internship teach me a lot, but it also welcomed a career opportunity.
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Project Management Intern

May - September 2020 • Milwaukee, WI

What I liked

I really enjoyed being immersed in the construction process. I had just completed my freshman year of college, and being on the job site most of my days was very beneficial. Being on the job site and seeing what actually needs to happen to put work in place is the best way to learn. I was able to visit other projects than I was assigned to, which also helped me learn about the different stages of projects. Everyone in the company was willing to help teach and work with me from the project managers to the craftworkers to the safety director - I received great mentorship throughout the summer.

What I wish was different

I wish I had learned more about Stevens history in construction and also more about how the offices in Madison and Minneapolis differ from Milwaukee.


Ask to try new things and ask any questions you have, the more pieces of any process you can pick up on, the more you will benefit. Your internship is what you make it!
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