Six Flags Entertainment Corporation

Internal Audit Intern

May - August 2018 • Doswell, VA

What I liked

I had a great experience getting to know everyone within the finance department, gained valuable experience performing internal audits, and learned everything that goes on behind the scenes within the amusement park industry.

What I wish was different



Take initiative to find audits that are very simple if you do not have anything to do and take an initiative in introducing yourself to management.
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Merchandise Associate

May - August 2022 • Doswell, VA

What I liked

The management was very helpful with training and getting acclimated to the new environment. The company really does care about their employees. The teamwork I experienced while in this position and the bonds I was able to make will forever serve me in future positions.

What I wish was different

There seemed to be a lot of repetitiveness in some positions and some misdirection with some managers and team leads. It was evident to me who wanted to be there and who didn't. Some days were filled with productive task while others were a lot of standing around.


Do not be afraid to ask questions and get your name out there. Management really likes individuals who show good work ethic and genuinely care about their work.
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Grounds Maintenance Supervisor

May - August 2022 • Sandusky, OH

What I liked

The opportunity simply to work and gain experience was extremely valuable, as well as being shaped into a more knowledgeable, resourceful worker. More specifically, I enjoyed becoming familiar with the work environment of a hotel and observing its functioning as well as being a part of that daily process. Getting a good look at how management within the business was constructed and how we as a staff team approached tasks and problems was a beneficial experience. I also enjoyed getting to work with many other people at the hotel, coworkers and customers alike. This allowed me to work on the way I approach and project myself to others, often setting a precedent for what those seeking assistance at the hotel come to think and expect of us. It was really established that the image I carry and the way I choose to communicate with others can hold great bearings on the outcome of a situation. Approaching things with a solid mindset and the willingness to help others can be your greatest and most reliable resource. The connections I've made and experiences I've had are a testament to this.

What I wish was different

In simplest terms, I wish I had reached for more opportunities to grow and become a more prominent figure in the staff. What I specifically refer to is the opportunity to step up to a supervising role. After having had a season's worth of experience at the hotel, the role of supervisor was very open to me. I simply was unaware that I would have been able to attain this position after having served only one summer at the hotel. This was confirmed to me however in conversation with others there about how to progress to such a position, and how seamlessly it could be done. The real hindrance here was that I had to initiate this subject. The managers didn't necessarily openly state it to me, however upon asking I was told I could have received the promotion when I'd started working again that summer. Not a huge deal, but I still think that could've been a change I was able to witness. Additionally, I wish some of the staffing had been different. We did have trouble finding extra staff throughout the season which led to some understaffing at some crucial points. We got through them regardless, though with spirits tested at times. I do wish we had more adequate staffing though, seeing as there are some complications with some workers adhering to work guidelines.


I would recommend that you take every opportunity you get legitimately. Don't let these things go to waste. Whether it's a summer job that you may just be using to garner some extra cash or a genuine means to a financial end, try to make the most of it. And if anything, view the job as a challenge to be a better worker and to work on perfecting your craft whether it be through work endurance or mannerisms alike. Always try to be helpful and understanding of others. You would want the same kind of support for yourself. Additionally, always be courteous. It costs you nothing to do so and is about the greatest quality someone would like to see in you. That beyond everything else, you are willing to help someone else even if there is no reward or guarantee that it will benefit you.
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Guest Service Intern

May - August 2021 • Kansas City, MO

What I liked

The people and experience

What I wish was different

Been more involved


Ask questions and do stuff!
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Amusement Park Worker

June - July 2018 • Buena Park, CA

What I liked

I think how the trusted us to know what to do in our first day.

What I wish was different

That they would explain a little more.


Don’t be afraid to ask.
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Retail Salesperson

May - August 2019 • Sandusky, OH

What I liked

It was unpredictable. I was able to accommodate guests and their needs while also growing in confrontation and helpful interactions. I also got to know many different people - it's an eye-opening experience.

What I wish was different

I really only wish that I would have been able to do more with coworkers.


Remember to be flexible and not take things so seriously; try to have fun at your summer job.
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Activities Member

May - August 2019 • Sandusky, OH

What I liked

I liked the freedom I had to change things in my job. If my team and I were unhappy with a system we were allowed to find a better way to change a system. My coworkers were super friendly and by the end of the summer were very close. The environment we were in was very engaging and laid-back.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have worked more.


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Guest Services and Special Events

May - August 2019 • Sandusky, OH

What I liked

I loved meeting all the international students. I enjoyed learning about their cultures and having time to work and to hang out with them on a personal level. This helped me to improve on my communication skills by transcending cultural and language barriers.

What I wish was different

I wish that I was given the opportunity to give a sunrise tour. I signed up to give them but was never given the information or put on the schedule to give a sunrise tour. It would have been a lot of information to learn but it would have been worth it and I would then have been able to use that information when I was giving my gold and silver tours to guests. Even if I didn't get to give the sunrise tour, I still would have liked to have the information, that way I could share it with guests.


Make your presence known and don't be afraid to make the first move. You will get further the more you work to do so. You can only do that by making connections with people. Many question why people aren't reaching out to them and complain about the fact that they aren't, but turn the situation around and ask yourself that same thing. They could be your supervisor and still be just as nervous to talk to you. Many of the supervisors are first years working there and other associates have worked there for 2 years, which makes them nervous that they will not manage the same way or will not know enough. Help them. Talk to those you don't know. You never know when you will get the chance to speak with international students again and you could make life-long friends and memories that can never be replicated.
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Entertainment Department Intern

May - July 2019 • Charlotte, NC

What I liked

Very friendly group of people who are always having fun.

What I wish was different

I wish there were more learning opportunities. I felt like I knew everything already.


It’s a great way to hone your skills
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May - August 2019 • Buena Park, CA

What I liked

The flexible hours.

What I wish was different


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Ride Operator

June - August 2019 • Buena Park, CA

What I liked

I loved the atmosphere of being engaged in providing the fun and good vibes. Coworkers were all high in energy as we put the park-goers ahead of our own needs.

What I wish was different

I wish that I was given more hours to work but the company hires many new employees during the summer.


Be open-minded, optimistic, and prepared to work hard with a constant smile.
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live sound tech

April - August 2019 • Mason, OH

What I liked

Running live sound gear for the live performances

What I wish was different

More organization


It was an awesome experience, I would work there again if I still lived in ohio
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Assistant Supervisor

February 2018 • Mason, OH

What I liked

I liked the environment and atmosphere of the job. You meet new people every single day and you get to help others have an incredible day, while having an incredible day yourself.

What I wish was different

The only thing I would've changed was our staffing, but that is not something that can be helped.


If you can't have fun in an amusement park or you don't love what you do, do not do it.
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June - September 2019 • Charlotte, NC

What I liked

I really enjoyed getting to work with International students as they worked abroad over the summer.

What I wish was different

That I had started sooner


I would definitely recommend it as a good summer job since you get to work with a lot of peers and make good friends, as well as be outside over the summer. I would recommend to expect having to actually do work though, it's not just an easy lifeguard job where you just sit at the pool.
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Housekeeping Staff

May - August 2019 • Sandusky, OH

What I liked

Meeting Different People from all over the world. Working at the park and experiencing new rides and activities everyday.

What I wish was different

The housing situation should I have been a bit different I feel like there should of been a list for single rooms.


Be Open minded and do be judgemental towards anything or anyone. You will meet people from all over the over. Make friends and make plans with those friends enjoy your time together.
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Internal Audit Intern

May - August 2019 • Kansas City, MO

What I liked

- The ability to work independently through out the internship, allowing you to set your own schedule and work on audits as you see fit. - Throughout the internship, you work with every department in the park which allows you to learn about the business as a whole. - No audit experience required.

What I wish was different


- Learn more about the opportunity as it is a great one!
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Ride Operator

June - August 2019 • Santa Clara, CA

What I liked

Paid decently (starting pay $15.75/hr, although I suspect that's mostly because minimum wage in Santa Clara is $15/hr). Flexible hours.

What I wish was different

Better bike racks.


They are way overstating the difficulty of getting the job. If you speak English competently and can get through a conversation without punching someone, you've got it made.
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Internal Audit Intern

May - August 2019 • Mason, OH

What I liked

-Hands-off managing approach allows for freedom to organize assignments to fit your schedule -High importance of responsibilities not common for a typical internship -Extensive audit knowledge is not required coming in -Work with every department and are exposed to many sectors of business operations

What I wish was different


Every day is different and this is an internship that you will enjoy showing up for! Don't discount your qualifications -- success in this position is more based on your communication skills and work ethic.
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Internal Audit Intern

May - August 2019 • Sandusky, OH

What I liked

- Great opportunity to learn more about how a large business manages its operations throughout several different departments - Working in a professional setting (Corporate Finance Office) - Meaningful work - Learning how the accounting / business information reviewed throughout schooling is used in a professional environment

What I wish was different

- Housing


Go in with an open mind and a good work ethic to make this a great learning experience
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Internal Audit Intern

May - August 2019 • Doswell, VA

What I liked

The experience of having a lot of impact on the amusement park through both operational and Sarbanes-Oxley audits. Also, learning about all the intricacies of all aspects of not only one amusement park but the entire Cedar Fair Entertainment Company portfolio.

What I wish was different

A little more training, but it was a tremendous experience learning as the summer progressed.


Do not worry about the quantity of audits as well as the complexity of some of them. As you go through the summer, it will all work out in the end.
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