Oakland University

Peer Mentor

June 2020 • Rochester Hills, MI

What I liked

The welcoming environment and acceptance from the other staff members.

What I wish was different

That it could have been in person.


Even though things are slow at first, stay hopeful.
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October 2023 • Rochester Hills, MI

What I liked

It’s more relaxed than expected

What I wish was different

Started early


Rea search is a great thing to help in med school
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Graphic Design Assistant

September 2023 • Rochester, MI

What I liked

I like being able to connect with other students through my job

What I wish was different



This is a fun experience for graphic design majors
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Graphic Design Intern

May 2022 • Rochester Hills, MI

What I liked

I like all the connections I have made with the OU community.

What I wish was different

I love this experience! Working at my school has benefitted me so much.


Apply even if you are nervous! You never know what will happen.
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Classroom support technician

December 2019 • Rochester, MI

What I liked

Create your own schedule. Treated with respect, both ways.

What I wish was different

Working for the university, one who is enrolled full time will be maxed at 25 hours per week. The wish would allow this to be determined by worker's choice. This however, won't change under these reasons.


Excellent path to bringing home a paycheck twice a month; while also networking, and making friends.
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admissions ambassdor

January 2021 • Auburn Hills, MI

What I liked

The people I worked with

What I wish was different

The commute I did was a bit much. I wish they offered housing


Always carry a bottle of water
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Lab Assistant

March 2021 • Rochester Hills, MI

What I liked

This experience helped me strengthen my lab skills and allowed me to receive the proper training to put towards my HC thesis. Through training under Dr. Wendell, and having him as my mentor for my thesis, I have been able to acquire valuable lessons and experiences that I wouldn't have learned anywhere else.

What I wish was different

My confidence in myself slowly grew, but I wish that from the beginning I would have believed in myself more. One of the core principals of science is that everything is changing each day, and sometimes your experiments won't give you the yield you were expecting. And that is okay! I just wish I would have been a bit nicer to myself and not immediately assuming that I failed when I got a different result than expected.


Never hesitate to reach out to a professor you admire! If I had not reached out to Dr. Wendell to ask him for advice about genetics, my future, and lab research, I do not know where I would be today. The opportunity to work with him and grow in the lab has helped me so much as a student, and I look forward to be able to share my knowledge with other students like myself.
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Web Designer

May - August 2021 • Rochester Hills, MI

What I liked

I got to work directly with faculty to help them create personalized websites for their research and teaching.

What I wish was different

Being able to stay with the department longer would have been fun. The pay rate was also laughable for a web designer, but for the level of expertise required, it was


I'm not sure if this position is something the department will continue to need in the future, but they are a joy to work with. Very flexible and understanding.
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Oakland University Desk Attendant

May 2021 • Rochester Hills, MI

What I liked

Flexible and understanding supervisors. Go by the motto of "school comes first."

What I wish was different


The supervisors are more than willing to help you. They are very approachable and the atmosphere is not threatening at all.
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August 2020 • Rochester, MI

What I liked

Stress free environment

What I wish was different

More documentation and supervision


Enhance your problem solving skills.
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design intern

October 2019 • Rochester, MI

What I liked

Have gotten a lot of great content for my portfolio.

What I wish was different

Nothing, it was an ideal internship.


Offer help on any project, you learn a lot and get more opportunities later on.
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Help Desk Technician

December 2015 • Rochester, MI

What I liked

The experience working with others and collaborating with them.

What I wish was different



Be curious and learn as much as you can.
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Undergraduate Researcher

May - July 2019 • Rochester, MI

What I liked

I liked researching.

What I wish was different

I wish I would’ve been taught more about the topic before jumping into the project.


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Orientation Group Leader

April 2019 • Rochester, MI

What I liked

I liked the welcomeness and fun that the job entailed. Moreover, the benefits such as free room and the community were incredible! It also allowed me to expand my personal network.

What I wish was different

I wish we would have been provided with a meal plan during the summer.


You have the opportunity to touch as many lives as you allow yourself, too. Do a job that lets you have an impact and that you love, not merely one that you feel you should be doing.
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Summer Undergraduate Research Program Intern

May - July 2019 • Rochester, MI

What I liked

I was given the opportunity to do research in the field I am studying. By having a mentor in the field of Industrial and Systems Engineering, I was able to incorporate my studies in bioengineering with the work he has done. This allowed me to develop knowledge in both fields, as well as develop skills outside of a classroom setting.

What I wish was different

I wish that I could have had more access to different resources and other labs, as opposed to a computer lab.


When doing research, you need to be committed and focused, but you also need to accept to possibility of failure. There may be many cases in which the simulation fails to work, or when the outcomes of an experiment are not consistent. Re-evaluate and make the necessary changes in order to continue forward with the research.
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Student Cleaning Crew

April - September 2019 • Rochester, MI

What I liked

The job was fairly easy with a bit of exercise too. It only took a day of on-the-job training to be able to do it independently. Everyone was nice and hard-working which made it a good environment.

What I wish was different

It was my first job so I don't have anything to compare it to or anything I would wish was different.


Show up on time and ask any questions.
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Associate Chair

April 2019 • Rochester, MI

What I liked

It was very flexible with my schedule and was an opportunity to gain a lot of applicable skills.

What I wish was different


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Front Desk Receptionist

September 2016 • Rochester, MI

What I liked

Flexible Work Hours, Easy to Learn, Good Work Environment

What I wish was different

Better Pay


As long as you show up and do the work you are supposed to do, it is a very rewarding experience
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Technology Desk Student Mentor

February 2019 • Rochester, MI

What I liked

Working at the tech desk is a great opportunity to hone your problem solving skills. It allows you to face challenging tasks in a forgiving environment and work with a team to help solve issues for patrons.

What I wish was different

During the summer, the library can tend to be very empty, so sometimes there was little to do.


Learn all you can and apply as a freshman! The experience will help you start off your career and it will be easier to land a sweet internship or job after college.
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Orientation Group Leader

June 2019 • Rochester, MI

What I liked

Was very fun! I felt INVOLVED!

What I wish was different

I wish it had lasted longer


Go into the experience being yourself!
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