Naval Surface Warfare Center, Corona Division

About Naval Surface Warfare Center, Corona Division

The mission of NSWC Corona is to "Serve warfighters and program managers as the Navy's independent assessment agent throughout systems’ lifecycles by gauging the Navy's warfighting capability of weapons and integrated combat systems, from unit to force level, through assessment of those systems' performance, readiness, quality, supportability, and the adequacy of training."

NSWC Corona is the Navy's only independent analysis and assessment center, with more than 3,200 Sailors, civilian scientists, engineers, support staff, and contractors.

NSWC Corona is home to three premier national laboratory and assessment centers: the Joint Warfare Assessment Lab; the Measurement Science and Technology Lab; and the Daugherty Memorial Assessment Center. Along with the renowned "Corona Engineers," these state-of-the-art facilities enable Corona to fulfill its unique mission for the Navy. The JWAL and DMAC are at the core of Corona's integrated approach to warfare assessment, and the Measurement Science and Technology Lab is where Corona researches and establishes the metrology and calibration standards and procedures for the Navy and Marine Corps.

Using a rigorous, disciplined independent assessment process, Corona provides the fleet, program managers and acquisition community with the objective assessment needed for the Navy to gauge warfighting capability of ships and aircraft, assess warfare training and analyze new defense systems - even those systems in the concept phase. This commitment to independent assessment allows the Navy to achieve the greatest value for acquisition, material readiness and lifecycle management programs - for Today's Navy, the Next Navy, and the Navy After Next. As the Navy's metrology and calibration authority, Corona also sets the measurement science and calibration standards to support proper weapons operation, interoperability and peak readiness for the fleet. Corona uses innovation and automation to also reduce burdensome workload for Sailors, while reducing maintenance costs and increasing readiness for the Navy..



Software Developer

June 2022 - August 2022 Norco, CA
“I was given many opportunities to lead in my project. ”


June 2019 Norco, CA
“I liked that I learned C#.”
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