
Landscape Architect

July - August 2020 • Show Low, AZ

What I liked

Honest hard work that makes you feel like you did something physically and aesthetically worthwhile.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have negotiated better prices for contract work.


Don't settle for less than you are worth.
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Dog walker

January - August 2021 • River Vale, NJ

What I liked

I started several of my own businesses while living in New Jersey. Dog walking was my personal favorite as I interacted every day with the creatures I love more than anything.

What I wish was different

Nothing. I loved the families I worked for and was happy to be my own boss.


Being kind, loyal, and caring will get you a long way. Be personal.
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Swim Lesson Instructor

June 2021 • West Caldwell, NJ

What I liked

I like being able to make my own hours and work for myself. I also loved seeing the kids weekly and watching them improve each week to become better and safer swimmers.

What I wish was different

I wish I had advertised more around New Jersey. I mainly stayed around my town, but wish I ventured off more to other towns.


To make yourself known. If you have a skill put it out there and people will respond and show appreciation or what you do.
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May 2019 • Mooresville, NC

What I liked

Both of the families that I nannied for were extremely nice and very flexible with my schedule.

What I wish was different

Nothing really. The kids were great and very adorable.


You just have to be very patience and aware of what's going on all of the time.
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Owner/ Founder

May 2020 • Loganville, GA

What I liked

I loved starting my own company- Bleached- and having the experience to run a small business. It was truly incredible!

What I wish was different


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Algebra Tutor

October 2016 • Torrance, CA

What I liked

I've always liked math so I was glad that I could do that and work at the same time. I loved seeing the look on my kids' faces when the concept finally clicked with them.

What I wish was different

I wish I had gotten the chance to work more. I was super busy with my own sports and school that my schedule was packed so I wish I had made more time for my kids.


Be prepared to explain things 3+ times without getting frustrated. The kids are trusting you to help them without judgement so you need to be able to do that.
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Baby Sitter

June - August 2020 • Troy, MI

What I liked

I loved spending the summer with the two kids. The parents are so friendly & it was a good summer.

What I wish was different

The parents expected me to drive their children a lot of places & never gave me gas money. The first time I thought it was just the 1 time, I didn't realize it was a routine thing so I felt it was too late to ask for it after that. In the future I know to let the parents know up front of I have to drive their children anywhere I need gas money because it is expensive.


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stock research

March 2017 • Houston, TX

What I liked

researching stocms

What I wish was different

bought $penn at the march dips


be more open minded
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Concrete laborer

May - August 2018 • Fort Collins, CO

What I liked

Being outside

What I wish was different

It being hot out


Owning your own company is good if you have the personality for it
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Dog Sitter

January 2010 • Jacksonville, FL

What I liked

I love dogs.

What I wish was different

It can be very demanding and clients sometimes expect me to be with their dog 24/7. I wish it were easier to balance my social life and work


Don't over pack your schedule
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Pony ride vendor

June 2010 • Walla Walla, WA

What I liked

Working with the ponies and people. I enjoy helping children and parents with their child’s first pony ride.

What I wish was different

More people. Walla, Walla Fair and Frontier Days was slow this year.


Be prepared to find having running water a challenge. There were always showers available at the fairgrounds. You end up dusty, dirty, smelling like a pony, and too tired to bath. A shower becomes a luxury item that you will continue to appreciate for months. LOL, I still appreciate having hot water available at any time because we camped in tents at events.
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Swim instructor

May - August 2019 • Rocklin, CA

What I liked

I was my own boss and could choose my hours

What I wish was different

I wish I had charged more money


It helps to network. This was how I got all of my clients.
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Soccer trainer

May 2019 • Framingham, MA

What I liked

I liked being my own boss and I love soccer so it was very enjoyable.

What I wish was different

I wish I had a better way to market myself.


Trust in your skillset at all times.
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Freelance Graphic Designer

June 2019 • Walnut Creek, CA

What I liked

Could work from where ever I felt most comfortable.

What I wish was different

My system at the beginning; I learned to take deposits before starting work.


Time management and discipline is key! Also, use your social networks to your advantage. Most of my clients came from Instagram.
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Algebra Tutor

September 2018 - June 2019 • Chandler, AZ

What I liked

I loved the one on one time I had with each student, and I love seeing the progress they made!

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time to provide them with supplementary resources that could help them understand concepts better, but I also wanted to make sure I was not overbrudening the students with work.


Being a tutor is work, but it is so fulfilling.
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Landscaping Worker

January 2015 • Medford, NJ

What I liked

I liked controlling my own business, dealing with my employees, having full control of schedule, hourly pay, hiring and the working environment.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more clients, I've only been doing work for 4 years and have increasingly gained clients and credibility through experience and time.


It takes a lot of responsibility, hard work, knowledge in the field of landscaping, and great communication skills to talk to clients.
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Pet Sitter

May 2018 • Scottsdale, AZ

What I liked

This is my absolute favorite thing to do. The experience it provided me is unbeatable. People always said that your work should be doing something you love and that’s what I was able to do this summer.

What I wish was different

I wish I had a better scheduling system for my clients. Because I didn’t go through any larger company to reach clients, I only had word spread from my repeating and current clients, some aspects of my employment were not as organized as I would have liked.


Do not be afraid to self-employ yourself. It takes bit more work, however, it is much more satisfying and rewarding to be able to choose what you would like to do.
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Non-Profit President

January 2018 • Robinson, IL

What I liked

My friends and I decided we wanted to help out the community. So we created a 3v3 tournament that raised money for a charity of our choosing. We chose to donate to the local soup kitchen, The Ark of the Covenant Soup Kitchen in Robinson, IL. I loved going around to all the local businesses asking and pitching our idea for donations. We received great feedback and eventually 34 teams signed up to play. We raised $2100 and I love that we are keeping this an annual event. This year we are donating TWO $1,000 scholarships.

What I wish was different

I wish we would have thought of this sooner. Things have been so great with this. I just wish it could start sooner.


People do not realize that even something so small could help change someones life. Not everything has to be huge.
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May - August 2019 • Scottsdale, AZ

What I liked

I love working with children!

What I wish was different

The parents lacked communication which made it difficult to coordinate schedules


Be patient and make it fun!
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family historian

May 2019 • Biloxi, MS

What I liked

Finding out about my lineage.

What I wish was different

I wished that I could have traveled to research more.


It's not easy but it is rewarding
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