The flexibillity to work in a lab and also take classes.
What I wish was different
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Biological Technician
May 2019 • Hickory Corners, MI
What I liked
What I wish was different
Pay attention in biology classes
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May - August 2019 • Hickory Corners, MI
What I liked
Active role in self-directed research
Community of scholars and scientists
Natural and ecologically focused environment
General environmental understanding and concern by everyone there
What I wish was different
Perhaps the area of research I participated in, as it was soil science and I am a Biochemist.
Great experience to have if interested in working in science and research specifically, I would tell someone to explore all of their possible options and apply to what really interests them, but to be open to opportunities in research sectors they may not know much about.
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Visiting Researcher and Lead Resident Mentor
May - August 2018 • Hickory Corners, MI
What I liked
It has a great community, facility, and mentoring staff.
What I wish was different
I would not have accepted both a full time research and part time residence life position.
Apply for an REU position here! I had one my first year (this summer was my second year), and it was an amazing opportunity which had opened a lot of doors for me.
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Farm to Table Intern
May - August 2018 • Hickory Corners, MI
What I liked
MSU's off-site research facility has much to offer. The environment encourages engagement and places you in close proximity with a myriad of top-tier research projects. From conscious conversations, to newfound opportunity, the opportunity continually provides . The internships are experiential and ensure you skill sets that will apply in your career path.
What I wish was different
To say I was anything less than grateful for everything offered would be contrary to the truth. My only request, that there were an abundance of informal gatherings, social events geared towards natural conversations.
There are many open doors, if you choose to walk through them.
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Undergraduate Research Assistant
May - August 2018 • Hickory Corners, MI
What I liked
I enjoyed the experience of participating in all aspects of the research, from planning to problem solving to executing the research. I learned a lot about the techniques that go into performing a research project and also was able to work in a group of scientists with diverse backgrounds.
What I wish was different
The URA position required that I attend weekly Professional Development sessions, some of which did not seem to pertain to anything in particular. If these were improved I would have enjoyed the experience more.
Try to get involved with as many aspects of the research as you can. By offering your help or showing up to different work days that the lab has you can gain the most experience and take part in unique experiences that you would miss out on if you do not try to involve yourself.
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Undergraduate Research Assistant
May - August 2018 • Hickory Corners, MI
What I liked
Overall, I loved the experience of being a lab assistant. I developed skills and gained knowledge that I probably wouldn't have received anywhere else. My lab focused on the evolution of plants in various environments, which is very interesting because it has a lot of real world application.
What I wish was different
Complete the required readings for lab meetings so that you will have a better understanding of what you're doing and why your doing it. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions!
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Dairy Farm Intern
May - August 2018 • Hickory Corners, MI
What I liked
Had fun working with cows and networking within the science and agriculture communities at KBS.
What I wish was different
I wish it wasn't required to take a class to be there, but I understand why it would be necessary. The workload became overwhelming juggling all responsibilities.
Work on making friends with KBS peers from the beginning, it makes for a more fun experience as a "family".