Kanakuk Kamps

Kitchen Staff

May 2022 • Lampe, MO

What I liked

The camp directors, leadership team, and staff were very welcoming and supportive, creating a positive work environment. They incorporated faith and Biblical truth into diligent and joyful everyday life.

What I wish was different

I wished I had known about Kanakuk and its ministries sooner. I also wished we had more time to connect with staff from our sister camps in Branson, MO. Some days are hard, but looking back, those days created the most meaningful and heartwarming memories with some close friends.


When you get to camp, keep an open mind and know that you don't have to be perfect when you show up for staff training. You don't have to have the Bible memorized cover to cover to develop a stronger relationship with God and other believers. We are not perfect followers, but we can significantly impact each other and our campers.
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Camp Counselor

May - July 2023 • Branson, MO

What I liked

The community that Kanakuk Kamps was able to instill in the employees and work environment was top of the line.

What I wish was different


I would recommend this experience to anyone who is seeking to be challenged in their faith by disciplining the younger generation.
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May - July 2019 • Branson, MO

What I liked

I liked the community of the people I worked with. They were all very encouraging when the work got really rough.

What I wish was different

I'm a fairly liberal person politically so I do have to watch myself sometimes so as not to "out myself" in a sense. It does get difficult but I love the kids and the work we're doing with them so it's worth it in the end.


It is a thankless job. Especially with the kids, it is a thankless job. You have to get used to a lot of them seeing you as a second-rate staff member. I was asked when I would "upgrade" to a counselor. You have to be prepared to get out of your comfort zone because sometimes you might have to stick your hand down the drain to fish out a fork that's clogging it. And you have to be prepared to get close to the other girls who are working in the kitchen. We become a family.
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Office Assistant Intern

May - June 2021 • Branson, MO

What I liked

great experience

What I wish was different

different boss


life changing
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Camp photographer

May - June 2021 • Branson, MO

What I liked

The community that gets built between the workers in a very short amount of time. The environment to work in. The people that come to camp every week.

What I wish was different

More info for incoming photographers in family camp.


Put yourself out there. Even if someone comes across as confident, they’re scared too. Don’t let negative thoughts cloud your mind.
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Camp Counselor

May - July 2018 • Branson, MO

What I liked

It was a super great experience- an amazing way to spend the summer both having fun and sharing the gospel with kids!

What I wish was different


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Camp Counselor

July - August 2020 • Branson, MO

What I liked

Great work environment!! Everyone there is looking to help you grow and genuinely cares about how you are doing. Working at Kanakuk, you will have some of the best bosses of your entire working career! Also, if you love working with kids of all ages, this is the job for you!

What I wish was different

I wish we had been given more time off/down time.


It seems terrifying to go to a new place where you more than likely don't know anyone, but just go for it!! It's uncomfortable at first, but eventually you look around and realize you are surrounded by some of the most amazing people!
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Camp Counselor

May - July 2020 • Branson, MO

What I liked

The community was very loving and welcoming. I also found a whole lot of personal growth.

What I wish was different

I wish that Keith Chancey at K-7 would have been more respectful towards the counselors.


There are a lot of physical and spiritual challenges that you face at Kanakuk, but remember who you are doing it for. (2 Timothy 2:10)
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Camp Counselor

May - July 2020 • Branson, MO

What I liked

It was an incredible environment with so much positivity, fun, and genuine care for others. I got to know so many people from all around the United States and create long lasting friendships. The leadership was incredible and I really felt they genuinely cared for the staff’s well-being.

What I wish was different

I wish I could’ve stayed longer!


I would say to step out of your comfort zone and spend one summer working at Kanakuk Kamps. It is such an incredible and life changing experience.
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Camp Counselor

May - August 2020 • Lampe, MO

What I liked

Being a camp counselor here is the best!!! SO fun and encouraging in the best environment in the world. Lifelong friends, so much growth, and getting paid to play sports with kids. I would have done it for free but they pay you. I wish I could be a camp counselor forever!!

What I wish was different

It was challenging that it was so far, it's expensive to get there and pay is low, but a lot of camps don't even pay so it's worth it!


If you can at all do it, work at kanakuk!!!!
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Camp Counselor

July - August 2020 • Branson, MO

What I liked

Great People!

What I wish was different

No Covid


Lots of Prayer and Rest needed and reliance on God!
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Camp Counselor

May - July 2020 • Lampe, MO

What I liked

It was an amazing atmosphere with people who loved the Lord with everything in them.

What I wish was different

It was very corporal, and COVID took over.


Take advantage of the time you have with people and spend it intentionally.
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Camp Counselor and Kitchen Employee

July - August 2019 • Branson, MO

What I liked

I enjoyed the spiritual atmosphere as well as the other staff. Kanakuk seeks out employees truly invested in his/her relationship with the Lord and looks for individuals ready and willing to serve tirelessly. I worked two weeks as a camp counselor with their traveling program (Kamp Out!) and four weeks in the kitchen at one of their base camps, K-Kountry. Being able to invest in kids and see them light up with excitement over waterslides (while learning about the Lord!) is such a gift.

What I wish was different

While working as a "Kitchie," I spent quite literally 10 hours on my feet in the kitchen alone daily. It is hard manual labor, and while I don't mind this, I wish it paid more than $200 bucks a week. I was essentially working below minimum wage. While I would work at Kanakuk again, I would need them to be able to increase my pay check, simply because of bills/college/gas, etc. I can't afford to work at Kanakuk this summer, but I would love to work again another summer.


I say go for it! Be ready to work hard. I think everyone needs to experience the incredible atmosphere of Kanakuk. This past summer gave me a truly incredible spiritual experience and new friends. In addition, I loved being able to invest in the kids! When you work in the kitchen, you are still paired with a cabin, who you get to invest in throughout the week. I really enjoyed this aspect of the job. I also love that I get to keep up with campers throughout the year! I have two specifically that send me mail religiously. It's wonderful to see what kind of impact Kanakuk is making on the next generation! Work at Kanakuk!!
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Camp Counselor

July - August 2019 • Branson, MO

What I liked

Great new experience in leadership. Fun engaging outdoor activities. Growing my relationships with new friends. Learning more about God and strengthening my faith.

What I wish was different

It felt hard to catch a break. Was almost always hungry or ready to sleep.


This camp is great for extroverts and people with a lot of positive energy. If you don't have that you should still consider trying it, you'll just learn how to be extroverted to some extent.
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May - August 2019 • Lampe, MO

What I liked

I enjoyed how much freedom I had to create my own schedule, as well as working with kids.

What I wish was different

I wish there had been more creatives to work with. I was the only videographer at the camp and felt isolated.


Be familiar with Premiere Pro software before training begins.
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Camp Counselor

May - August 2019 • Branson, MO

What I liked


What I wish was different

I wish this job was not so far from home.


Just do it!
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Food Allergy Specialist

May - August 2019 • Lampe, MO

What I liked

I loved the atmosphere and the people I worked with.

What I wish was different


It is a hardworking job, but it pays off in so many ways!
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Camp Counselor

June - August 2019 • Branson, MO

What I liked

Working at camp this summer was an extremely enriching experience! I got to fellowship with other believers and help them in the pursuit of showing the love of Christ to the people at camp.

What I wish was different


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Camp Counselor

June - August 2019 • Branson, MO

What I liked

I liked being able to help kids, and give them the best week of their summer.

What I wish was different

The leadership and the organization.


I would say that someone should go to camp! It is a good experience and it helps to understand how to be a leader in any situation.
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Kitchen Staff

May - August 2019 • Lampe, MO

What I liked

It was a challenging, growing experience where I had so much fun everyday but was pushed to learn constantly.

What I wish was different

I wish I had a little more time with the kids at the camp.


Be prepared to unplug for the summer, work hard, and learn a lot.
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