Bryn Mawr College

Digital Scholarship Summer Fellowship

May 2023 • Bryn Mawr, PA

What I liked

The team

What I wish was different


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Tech intern

June - August 2022 • Bryn Mawr, PA

What I liked

I liked the flexibility of my daily work schedule, and how much independence and creative control I had over my projects .

What I wish was different

I wish that we received a stipend, and not hourly wage.


A lot of the work require communication with the team and independent self scheduling.
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Research Intern

May - August 2022 • Bryn Mawr, PA

What I liked

I got to meet and work with other students in the Bi-Co who shared similar academic interests-- through this I was able to expand my community both on campus and in the broader community and create a larger support system.

What I wish was different

I wish the start and ending dates were more concrete--I felt like I was doing work longer into the summer than I expected and originally agreed upon.


Make sure you take time to explore the location you are studying and working in and find fun things outside of the work that make it a unique experience. Also, don't be afraid to use your advisor or boss to your advantage when networking and expanding your community! That is part of the reason why they are there!
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Research Fellow

June - August 2021 • Bryn Mawr, PA

What I liked

I loved being able to work with Professor Leslie Cheng, Ph.D. She is the most supportive Professor who goes above and beyond for her students. She made me realize my love for the stock market, particularly the valuation of options.

What I wish was different

I wish this fellowship had been in-person since it makes a huge difference in the overall experience.


Don’t be afraid to try new things. I had no knowledge of options yet I still went ahead, I loved it, and now it is my thesis!
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

June - August 2021 • Bryn Mawr, PA

What I liked

It was an insightful experience where I learned how to use remote sensing instruments and applications such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. The work time was very flexible too.

What I wish was different

I wish that there was no pandemic as off campus travel was banned.


Don't be afraid to reach to professors to share your interests
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Undergraduate Reseacher

June - August 2021 • Bryn Mawr, PA

What I liked

I liked the flexibility and independence of my research project. I learned many laboratory techniques that I continue to do into my senior year.

What I wish was different

I wish I had done certain aspects in the lab differently but research is all about trial and error.


I would 100% recommend looking at Bryn Mawr’s Summer Science Research Program if you are interested in doing research at Bryn Mawr College.
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Undergraduate Researcher

May 2019 • Bryn Mawr, PA

What I liked

Individually conduct experiments

What I wish was different

Less time commitment


Have to be enthusiastic about research!
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Special Collections Assistant

June - August 2019 • Bryn Mawr, PA

What I liked

It was exciting getting to spend lots of in depth time with the Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Archives division and help conduct research in addition to assisting outside researchers.

What I wish was different

I wish I had spent more time with the books themselves, as opposed to researching on the internet.


If you’re interested in a particular aspect of Special Collections, don’t be afraid to ask to learn more about it!
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

June 2019 • Bryn Mawr, PA

What I liked

I liked doing my own investigation with primary literature to come up with a protocol for my experiments. It was very cool to come up with your own experiments, do them, and see your results. It’s a very experience to taking a class with a lab.

What I wish was different


Be patient and open minded
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Information and Communication technology Assistant

June - July 2019 • Tamale, Northern Region

What I liked

I liked how my partner and i managed to teach over 500 different students from the Dalun Community and successfully created a functional website. We successfully encouraged students who came to the ICT centre to be comfortable with computers. We encouraged them by teaching them and lastly having a showcase on 22nd of July 2019. We invited 10 students from each school to a showcase and had a short cartoon and music for them to relax and enjoy themselves. We chose BIno and Fino as the perfect cartoon to show them cause the characters are black children who wear African print and this is important because the representation of black people on the television has an indirect powerful education impact on the students which then links to the Black is Beautiful internship. The objective of the showcase was to impact the children to think more about computers and solidify the lessons they learnt through out the program. The other objective was to encourage them to learn and practice the use of Computers. This opportunity changed my perspective of the world and made me appreciate everything I have a little bit more.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time to learn (Dagbani) the language spoken there.


Have fun and allow yourself to be soaked in a different culture and learn the new amazing language.
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

June - August 2019 • Bryn Mawr, PA

What I liked

Enjoyed the supportive environment. Liked that I got a say in most aspects of the research, which I feel normally isn't the case in undergraduate research.

What I wish was different



Work hard bro
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Research Assistant

June - August 2019 • Bryn Mawr, PA

What I liked

I've worked as an RA in both a psychology lab (summer before Sophmore year) and a developmental neuroscience lab (summer before Junior year) for the past two summers on Bryn Mawr's campus. I loved the flexible schedule and getting hands-on experience in the different labs. In addition, working closely with professors Thapar and Greif was enriching and each taught me important skills from their respective specialties.

What I wish was different

Overall, the summer science research (SSR) program is pretty ideal. It doesn't get much better than stipended lab work as an undergrad. Overall, be prepared for an ebb and flow of deep work. Sometimes it might feel like there is nothing to do and other times it might feel overwhelming.


My number one piece of advice to people starting out with SSR is not staying in the on-campus housing in Erdman if you can avoid it. There's no AC and hot, humid, and swampy (plus rampant food theft). In addition, it can be a lot cheaper to find somewhere off-campus. My second piece of advice is to deploy a good organization system. Take good notes (in a lab notebook if you're in a wet lab) and keep in mind the overall goal of your research project. This will help you prepare for the poster session at the end of Summer, too.
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Field and lab research assistant

June - August 2019 • Bryn Mawr, PA

What I liked

I loved learning about rocks and the field experience that accompanied it. Working one-on-one with a professor reinforced and expanded on concepts that I had learned about in class. I truly had so much fun camping in the desert and learning how to be a field research assistant and the amount of knowledge and finesse it requires one to have.

What I wish was different

The only thing that could have improved was the organization of the work I was doing in the lab. My peer and I were given assignments to do by our professor, but we never really had an end goal in mind for what we should accomplish as a project or learn conceptually about the rock samples. But it was okay because we were mostly assisting our professor in an ongoing research project that he had been conducting for years.


My advice (to geology majors in particular) is to take all opportunities to do work in the field! Learning about concepts in the classroom is one thing, but being actually conducting research with a professor in the field where you can truly touch and see the rocks is an invaluable experience.
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Physics Research Intern

May - August 2019 • Bryn Mawr, PA

What I liked

It gave me a perspective of what it is like to work as a theoretical physicist. I learnt a lot from this research experience.

What I wish was different

I wish I was more prepared for this. I had a lot of catching up to do but I don’t really regret anything


It’s nice to explore different field of what you like. It might lead to specific interest
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Hanna Holborn Gray Undergraduate Research Fellow

May - September 2019 • Bryn Mawr, PA

What I liked

I really enjoyed the chance to conduct independent research that pertained directly to my interests in academics and gave me a window into a potential future career as an English scholar.

What I wish was different

I wanted a better collaborative experience, the support systems in place were not adequate for giving regular and relevant feedback or for forming connections with other fellows in the program.


Don’t doubt what you’ve learned about your topic, instead work on perfecting explaining that to others outside of your field.
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Interlibrary Loan Assistant

May - August 2019 • Bryn Mawr, PA

What I liked

Learning opportunities, schedule flexibility, and those who I worked with.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been given some more responsibility.


Show up with a good attitude and a desire to stay productive and ready to help out other students and college institutions.
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hospitality intern

June - August 2019 • Bryn Mawr, PA

What I liked

I liked getting experience working with a new type of system software on the computer which helped expand my technological knowledge.

What I wish was different

I wish there would have been some more challenging opportunities to engage with the work. The work was very repetitive and could be very tedious and boring at times


It is a good job if you are actually interested in events planning.
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

June - August 2019 • Bryn Mawr, PA

What I liked

I like doing research! I especially liked developing my own experiments and the problem-solving aspect of research.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time to work out the problems with the experiments I developed.


Research is a great way to gain experience in the sciences! It can be really exciting and engaging.
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Hospitality Intern

June - August 2019 • Bryn Mawr, PA

What I liked

It was great to see how the resources of Bryn Mawr were utilized over the summer and help contribute to the very successful events held on campus over the summer. I was able to learn a new computer software system which is always good to expand my technological understanding .

What I wish was different

I wish there would have been a little more interaction between those of us who were working in the office with those engaging in the events on campus.


It was a great experience, however there is not much personal interaction to help build people skills. The job is very repetitive and while some learning occurred, there wasn't as much space for learning as i would have liked.
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Independent Researcher

May - August 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

In the Hanna Holborn Gray Research Fellowship, I liked that I had complete creative control of my research project, in that I was able to explore what I was interested in, which in turn made me a better researcher.

What I wish was different


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