Brigham Young University - Idaho


April 2018 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

The people

What I wish was different



Don’t over think it
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Assistant Project Manager

August 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

Very flexible hours and a variety of things to work on.

What I wish was different

Better organization of projects and team members.


Be willing to get yourself organized, even when others are not as organized.
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March 2018 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I love my job. It is simple, and I love going to work everyday. People at work are awesome. I love doing reports, making and receiving phone calls.

What I wish was different



Lucky to work in the accounting office and I was able to find a job for my major . You need people's support, good griends, family, and networking will help you able to reach goals.
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July - September 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

Trained to paint

What I wish was different



Good experience and learned a lot about painting and work was easy
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Assistant Curriculum Developer

October 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

The flexibility and understanding of employers. Coworkers were super nice as well and easy to get along with.

What I wish was different

The location I guess. But I can’t think of anything else because it’s really nice working there.


Work hard but also remember you don’t need to get stressed over anything because everyone’s very understanding.
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Grounds Caretaker

August - September 2022 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I liked that our boss gave us breaks when we were tired. The job was hard so knowing that we didn’t have to work till we passed out was good.

What I wish was different


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Vending Machine Filler

January 2018 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

It's been a good schedule for work while attending college.

What I wish was different

I wish It weren't early morning.


It's a good job to have.
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IT Support Specialist

July 2017 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I like that there is so much opportunity to grow.

What I wish was different

That I was in California instead of this snow wasteland.


Don't be scared to take the risk for new opportunities.
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Technology Support

July 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

It is a great team with many great individuals. They all are professional, but still human beings that I can relate to.

What I wish was different


Know your computer stuff. Even if you think you’re an expert, this job will show you just how much you need to know.
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Customer Experience Project Manager

April 2020 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

It gave me real world experience for managing a small team and ensuring that projects were completed in a timely way.

What I wish was different

I wish that the job would not have been remote. However, there is not much that could have been done about that.


I would say to anyone that if they have the chance to have a job where they are managing people to take it. It is amazing experience and it looks good on a resume.
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Grounds Maintenance Worker

May - August 2020 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I liked working outdoors, the flexible hours, and the trust and freedom given to me by my supervisors.

What I wish was different

More consistent working hours with other employees to get bigger projects done.


Work hard and take every opportunity given and you will increase your enjoyment. This works in all types of jobs.
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Head Teching Assistant

April 2018 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

Working for the professors sets itself apart from any other job. They are humble disciples of Christ who hope to impart keys of success to their students. Working for the school is also an awe inspiring job because the spirit is felt on campus, a sense of belonging and a sense that you are always needed/wanted.

What I wish was different

I'm not a fan of students hiring students. Including myself, students being the decision makers for new hires is a favoritism focused performance. I have seen others get the opportunity to lead just for seeming nice in their first interview, meanwhile some have to do all they can to keep their job, and a little closer to heart, give everything they have just so they can be considered to lead. I believe leadership should be awarded based off the works performed and not off of the vibes someone gives off.


When working for the University, love the moments you have here; cherish them! Not only does time for you to move on quickly approach, but so does other work opportunities. Give your all each day and after awhile, your all becomes your normal.
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BIM drafter

August - December 2020 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I enjoyed the laid-back environment, and the trust that was placed in the intern's abilities.

What I wish was different


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IT Content Development Specialist

September 2018 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

The people, and the work that i did

What I wish was different

More vision on what I should be doing.


Just do it, experience is experience, and it all helps you with the ultimate goal.
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Photography Intern

February - April 2020 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

Learned a lot, had the opportunity to work with the BYU-I photographer as one of his assistant photographers

What I wish was different

Overall it was a great experience wouldn’t change a thing


Always talk to your boss about your ideas, I was able to develop a project that I wanted because I shared it with him
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Parking patrol officer

September 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I loved the work environment. The management was great and made it an enjoyable experience

What I wish was different

I wish scheduling was more organized


Do you job and be responsible and it will get you far!
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Textbook Associate

December 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

University Store workers and management are incredible. Flexible work schedule Great environment

What I wish was different


Costumer service is more then being polite, it’s an opportunity to influence others.
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Personal Trainer Intern

April - August 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

The environment of the job was great and I loved being able to work with clients

What I wish was different

There were times when there was not much to do. I think a little more organization and direct communication with clients would have been nice.


Be prepared to do more than is asked.
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Assistant Curator

September 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I'm passionate about the work! Being able to work with antiquarian items and create exhibits is something I hope to do in the future with my career. My employer was very knowledgeable about the field and was always there to help. Healthy work environment.

What I wish was different



A strong interest in history and skills in research are highly recommended.
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Billing Department Supervisor

April 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

The environment, the people, the place.

What I wish was different



Come and work here!
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