Boise State University Foundation
Makerlab lead
March 2019 • Boise, ID
What I liked
Love my coworkers, the atmosphere, and the equipment
What I wish was different
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Corrosion lab assistant
June 2019 • Boise, ID
What I liked
Flexible hours, learned a lot about corrosion.
What I wish was different
There were parts where there wasn't too much to do.
Stay motivated and you can learn a lot.
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Member services coordinator
August 2018 • Boise, ID
What I liked
Having something to do over the summer
What I wish was different
Better pay
Get as much as you can out of it
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Student Caller (Fundraising)
January 2018 • Boise, ID
What I liked
The workplace environment, the opportunity to practice professional conversation, the hours
What I wish was different
Wish I could work more hours over the summer
It's wonderful if you don't mind talking on the phone!
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Research Assistant
May 2019 • Boise, ID
What I liked
Everything about it. If anyone has the chance to be a Professor's research assistant take the opportunity.
What I wish was different
Nothing this experience is continuing to be beneficial to my learning, and adding skills to my resume.
Be ready to do lots of research on your own
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Student Caller (Fundraising)
January 2018 • Boise, ID
What I liked
It was fun. Very relaxed during the summer and lots of calls outside of normal calling pools.
What I wish was different
Maybe more coworkers but it’s a summer job so.
Cold calling people isn’t for everyone
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Student Custodian
May - August 2018 • Boise, ID
What I liked
The hours
What I wish was different
More improved communication between staff and upper management
Do your job and everything will go smooth. It's a relaxed job and the pace is perfect
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