Food Lion

Deli Clerk

June - July 2018 • Marshall, VA

What I liked

It gave me a chance to try my hand at new skills that I have never previously cultivated. For example, I have never really done much cooking for myself, so working with food helped to prepare me for living without a dining plan this semester. I was also able to improve my social skills, as I have always been fairly socially anxious and having to work with customers helped me to become more comfortable with interpersonal interactions.

What I wish was different

There was quite a lot to memorize and keep track of and I often found myself slipping up even multiple weeks into the job. I do think it was a positive growing experience for me overall, it was just very stressful at the time.


Don't expect to be an expert at everything right off the bat, and don't be afraid to ask for help. It's unreasonable to expect one person to be perfect from the get-go, and it's much better to just ask for help initially than to have to clean up after a preventable mistake.
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February 2017 • Youngsville, NC

What I liked

I like interacting with customers

What I wish was different

The pay


Try to make the best out of the any situation
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