Transfer Pricing Intern

June - August 2018 • St. Louis, MO

What I liked

It was a challenging role in which I was trusted with work that actual transfer pricing staff do. The company is amazing and gave us traveling experience. We trained in Chicago,IL, at the beginning of the summer and at the end of summer there was a national intern conference in Orlando Florida, where we got to go to Disney for free as well. There were paid for lunches and happy hours, and overall it was an incredible experience.

What I wish was different

I had trouble with my superiors not giving me timely feedback so I didn't do as well as I could have if I had gotten that feedback.


It is a hard job, not a walk in the park. If you are working for EY you have to apply what you learned in school and keep up with a fast paced work, corporate environment.
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advisory intern

June - August 2018 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

The company really made the working environment comfortable for Interns. There were great benefits and events- I felt like I was part of the culture.

What I wish was different

Probably more information about job/work expectations of specific roles and positions.


Be prepared to learn, be flexible, and work hard with passion.
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Risk Advisory intern

June - August 2018 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

The overall firm culture, the work that I was apart of as well as the networking possibilities

What I wish was different



Network as much as possible to discover your interests
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Risk Advisory Intern

June - August 2018 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

I loved being able to work next to top professionals in the industry. I also loved the fact that I was able to get that "Big4" experience to add to my resume. Ernst & Young treated me exceptionally, it exceeded all my expectations!

What I wish was different

I wished the internship would have lasted longer than 3 months.


Having a great GPA only gets you the first couple of interviews. By the end of the interviewing process, employers only want to know if you are a person that they would enjoy to work with. Show employers that you are eager to learn, available, and passionate about the company!
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Tax Intern

June - August 2018 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

What I wish was different


Be ready to ask questions. Don't be afraid to ask questions. They want to help you learn, and when you get there you just have to accept that you pretty much don't know anything.
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Audit Intern

June - August 2018 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

They treat interns very well. There are a lot of perks to being an intern and the associates and seniors on my engagements were very friendly and willing to teach.

What I wish was different

I wish I was given more opportunity to take on meaningful projects where the responsibility shifted on me/ show my capabilities. While I did learn a lot, I felt that a lot of the tasks I was given we just supplementary to the full-time employee's work.


Don't be afraid to ask questions, and always be proactive. Also, it would be good to brush up on your excel commands before starting.
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Accountant Intern

June - August 2018 • Redwood City, CA

What I liked

Everyone was very nice and helpful.

What I wish was different

That i lived closer to the job


It was a really great experience. I got to see what the company was like. Start early!
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Business Consultant

June - August 2018 • Tysons Corner, VA

What I liked

The people were great, the work was incredible, and I was constantly challenged

What I wish was different

I honestly think it went perfectly


Treat your entire internship like an open networking event. Talk to as many people as possible at all levels and don't be scared to reach out to anyone
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Technology Advisory Intern

June - July 2018 • Dallas, TX

What I liked

- People - Clients/Hands-On experience with the work - Traveling - Benefits of Consulting

What I wish was different

- More flexibility in work flow - Ability to switch to different teams and clients


- Network as much as possible during the internship - Be really honest with yourself, and make sure the firm is the best fit for you culturally and beyond - Make sure you enjoy not just the people, but the work and the lifestyle as well
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Assurance Intern

June - August 2018 • San Juan, PR

What I liked

I really liked that, due to being with the same client that was an insurance company, I got to see, do, and review a lot of testings for the final audit and that I got to do a few samples to make sure of what should be recommended to the client for the final audit to help them establish better strategies for decision-making to increase in profits and reduce expenses.

What I wish was different

I would have maybe liked to see a different client since I was the whole summer with the same client, but the good thing about this is that I learned a whole lot of the reviews and testings that were undertaken being in one client.


The internship definitely helped me be more focused in my studies and has helped me understand how the real world sees and applies all the knowledge we have learned in college. My one piece of advice would be to really take advantage and pay attention to everything that is learned because it will provide everyone with many experiences and amazing opportunities.
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Assurance Intern

June - August 2018 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

EY has a great culture of young professionals to learn from and work with. The internship offered challenging experiences to work with different clients and assist with real audits taking place.

What I wish was different


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Business Advisory Intern

June - August 2018 • Charlotte, NC

What I liked

I loved the company culture of EY. They had a very structured internship program, which made it easy to connect with other interns and have a summer full of valuable experiences. I gained several mentors a the firm that I would feel comfortable going to will all my problems. The upper management was also very open and friendly. The engagement that I was staffed on for the summer was interesting and had continuous workflow that helped me to feel involved in the process.

What I wish was different

If I could change anything from the internship, I would want to be able to have more client exposure with the bank we were working for this summer. I sat in on many conference calls but I never got the opportunity to meet the people that I was performing certain task for.


My advice would be to connect with as many people within your company as possible. It creates a great network and creates more ease and comfort within the office. I would also recommend requesting frequent feedback so that you know that your work is on point and that you are continuously meeting the standards of your superiors.
1 One person found this helpful

Assurance Intern

June - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I really enjoyed the people there. Everyone was willing to help me whenever I was having trouble with a task. They fostered a casual environment where work was still able to be done efficiently. I was also able to meet and have multiple conversations with the partners on my engagement, which I really appreciated. In addition, there were a multitude of educational resources for me to utilize when there was not any work to do. I also enjoyed the events planned for us. We went to a Mets game with all of the New York FSO interns, visited the new office in Hoboken, and had multiple networking events where I was able to meet more interns and full-time employees across different subsectors and service lines.

What I wish was different

This is not really their fault, but there was not that much work for me to do. First, I did not have that much/if any experience/coursework in this field. Also, the timing of the internship was not the best in this regard. I joined a team toward the end of an audit cycle, so there was not many tasks available for my work level. The work I was given was tedious at times. Thus, I wish I was abe to be utilized more. This is just the nature of summer audit internships because this is a slow season while winter internships are during the busy season. Another con for me was that I only worked in an audit room at the EY office. While this was convenient for commuting and stability, it got a little monotonous. I wish I was able to switch up my work location (aka work at the client site at times), but for my client (a large bank's mutual funds) being at the client site was unnecessary.


I know this is a common piece of advice, but meet as many people as possible in a meaningful way. It is always important to expand and maintain your network, and these people are able to provide with invaluable advice as you start your career.
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launch intern

June - August 2018 • Dallas, TX

What I liked

I love the people! All of my teams were very welcoming and helpful. They provided ample feedback and gave me tasks that, I felt, really helped progress the audit. I became really good friends with my peer interns. Our recruiter, Courtney, is the sweetest and most helpful person on the planet. There is nothing I would have rather done this summer.

What I wish was different

The LAUNCH Internship is rotational however I didn't get a lot of time to work in tax


They will believe in you if you believe in yourself! Any insecurities or things that might stop you from believing you are eligible to apply are not significant enough to hinder you. I promise. If you go into recruiting with EY knowing you want to bring them value, they will respect and honor that by giving you the opportunity to do so.
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People Advisory Intern

June - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Exposure to new industries

What I wish was different

Not all of the interns were put in client facing roles. I was, however, some of my peers who were interested in gaining exposure to consulting were on internal teams. Try to specify what experience you want beforehand, so you can best benefit from the experience.


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Risk Advisory Intern

June - August 2018 • Philadelphia, PA

What I liked

The people I met and the projects I was assigned

What I wish was different

I wish I had the opportunity to see more industries.


Speak up about how you are feeling. People are really responsive and care that you are enjoying and learning throughout your internship.
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Technology Advisory Intern

June - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I really enjoyed working with the client and helping to solve their problems. My team was really supportive and my input was valued and used as deliverables. EY also has a great culture. We got the entire week of the 4th of July off and had multiple intern events to attend!

What I wish was different

I wish I could have stayed longer. The internship ended but I wanted to keep on working with my team and my client


EY is a fantastic company to work with if you value ownership of work, a diverse work force and a valuable learning experience
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Account Auditor

June - September 2018 • Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

What I liked

My coworkers were super supportive and we all shared one same goal - to provide the best and most professional services to our clients. No hesitation in sharing their knowledge as well as coaching me to be well-prepared for the tasks. The senior also trusted me and assigned me to do cash flow working and build the whole financial statements of a very big company in Vietnamese market (TTC) The best thing in my opinion is this job allowed me to question about how a company operates and to discuss with clients on various subjects related to their operation. Consequently, it gave me the opportunity to have a glance of the industry the company is operating in and to understand its mechanism. Last but not least, during my internship, I was provided great opportunity to work on 10 different companies, operating in various sectors namely real estates, consumer discretionary, materials, etc.

What I wish was different

I’m also interested in doing audit for financial institutions but they are responsibility of a different department - FSO (mine department is Core Assurance)


Be proactive and do not hesitate to ask!
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IT Risk Advisory Intern

June - July 2017 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

I enjoyed learning about various companies and networking with professionals in the accounting/finance industry. I grew personally and professionally while challenging myself to go beyond what was expected. I was kept busy for the duration of the internship and was also able to attend several company-sponsored social events with other interns.

What I wish was different


In order to make the most out of your internship experience, build relationships with professionals and fellow interns and ask thoughtful questions!
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Assurance Intern

June - August 2017 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

Brilliant people, Great opportunities, Entrepreneurial culture, Great place to start a career

What I wish was different


Network as much as you can during your internship.
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